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Hand made with 100% natural materials, such as cotton and wool.
This mattress is different from the rest, it is created with soul, with care and with with love and with the elements that nature offers us. Grand Spring Nature, everything you need for your health and rest.
Traditionalbecauseit’smade with natural materials that help preserve theenvironment, such as its wool and100% cottonJackard fabric padding.It’sproducedby hand by the best professionals in the market when it comesto rest systems.In addition, its 1600 spring casing is made with the most advanced technology forthis type of product.The springs are packed in individual bags, avoiding the frictionof these and the appearance of uncomfortable noises, thus extending their lifetime.If you have problems sleeping and you are tired of looking for the mattress that bestsuits you... you have already found it! Grand Spring Nature is your natural andcomfortable mattress of highquality.
With Grand Spring Nature you will not be ableto notice those uncomfortable pressure points that make you get up as if you hadnot rested.Youwill get extremecomfort andoptimal rest.Get maximum breathability and independence of beds: the springs let air passbetween them, which prevents moisture from getting accumulated on the mattress.On the other hand, you will not notice the nocturnal movements of the person withwhom you sleep, since the springs cushion the movementbetter.It’sanatomical: thanks to its springs you will also have total ergonomics, since theyadapt to the posture of yourbody,thus helping to maintain the correct position ofyour spine while you sleep.Recommended for those looking for a high quality mattress with measured strengthand great softness, that provides comfortable support in each of the body areas.Composed by natural elements, fusing the best of the traditional and thetechnological.
Me recomendaron la web y quería un colchón de muy alta gama, me recomendaron este y estoy muy contenta. Perfecto para mí.
Quería un colchón más natural y tradicional. Este es el colchón perfecto para nosotros porque aúna las dos cosas. Tardó un días más en llegar, pero mereció la pena.
Estrenábamos piso y queríamos un colchón de calidad y cómodo. Creo que es la mejor compra que hemos podido hacer.
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Me encanta
Me encanta, no sabía si elegir entre este o el westin, pero finalmente me decidí por este por los materiales naturales como lana y algodón. Esponjoso y firme, para mí la combinación perfecta.